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High School Newsbite: December 9th, 2024

Posted Date: 12/09/24 (10:26 PM)


College Visits

11th and 12th graders had an incredible visit at Rowan University on December 2nd. They explored the campus, learned about the diverse programs, ate lunch on campus and experienced a glimpse of college life. Our next college visit is on January 21st to Moravian University. Interested 11th and 12th graders should check their email for the permission slip which is due to the counseling department by December 10th. 


Football Honors

BCC All-Division Freedom Silver
1st Team:  Thomas Breuer, Ed Cooper, Ty Dunn
2nd Team:  Nate Lawton, Parker Rampel

Boys Soccer Honors

1st Team: Oliver Horan, Conner Keyes, Eduardo Lavareda
2nd Team: Anthony Torres, Alex De Leon
Honorable Mention: Aaron Parisi

Girls Soccer Honors

1st Team: Lucy Spreen
2nd Team: Olivia Nemeth
Honorable Mention: Maggie Woodside

Field Hockey Honors

1st Team: Anika Balog, Addison Polukord
2nd Team: Julia Stoff, Juneabea Horsnall, Bella Woronicz
Honorable Mention: Catellina Weiland

Cross Country Honors

1st team: Lucy Reed
2nd team: Alejandro Ramirez
Honorable Mention: Henry Brusca, Erin O'Rourke

Winter Sports Updates

MS Basketball First Games: 12/4/24 
HS Girls Basketball First Game: 12/17/24
HS Boys Basketball First Game: 12/14/24 
Bowling First Match: 12/5/24
Wrestling First Match: 12/18/24

In Case you Missed It ...

Check out the "Captains' Crunch" sports video features produced by South Hunterdon TV & Media students: 




Toy Drive

The Key Club is collecting new and unwrapped toys for The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation in conjunction with Old Glory Acres in Flemington.  Collections can be dropped in a box outside of the main office from November 25-December 13.  

Eagles Insider 

Hosted by Olivia Nemeth, our December 6th episode of Eagles Insider features the school vestibule, art history trivia, information about the Ski Club trip and a deeper look into Mr. Stephens' music classes. Enjoy!


What's Coming Up?
12.10.24 NHS Induction
 MS Band and Chorus Concert 
Board of Education Meeting 
12.18.24 HS Band and Chorus Concert 
12.19.24 Concert Snow Date
 Winter Recess - School Closed